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Sunday, May 23, 2010


OXIS is developing and plans to sell Nutraceutical and Cosmecuetical products featuring natural ingredients believed to have beneficial effects on human health. OXIS’ first products will include L-Ergothioneine (ERGO) as a key component. ERGO is a very powerful, multifaceted antioxidant. The remarkable properties of ERGO are described in detail in the Ergothioneine section of this website. OXIS has patented the synthesis process for L-Ergothioneine and has outsourced product manufacturing to a company that can provide ERGO in commercial and GMP produced quantities to meet our product needs.
OXIS’ consumer products strategy addresses very important health concerns including aging and age-related disorders that are increasing with trends in US demographics.  These concerns include:
  • Brain health
  • Immunity against diseases
  • Anti-aging/skin health
  • Inflammation
  • Detoxification
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Antioxidant, glutathione, penny stocks & free radical
Our market entry and expansion strategy includes potential alliances with highly respected, credible and iconic thought leaders in each product category. Typically, these individuals or companies have established consumer followings or the ability to build meaningful and loyal customer bases.
Our plan is to develop on-going relationships with our customers and to be regarded as a health partner to individuals of all ages based on the products and educational content that we provide to them.
Channels for communicating our message and building sales being established include:
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Internet sales
  • TV Infomercials
  • Long and short form radio infomercials
  • Direct mail
  • Traditional retail approaches
We are planning two product launches for summer 2010
  • “Ergo-Pur™”  - ERGO-Pur is a pure form of our highly potent multifaceted antioxidant which we anticipate will be used in some cases in concert with:
  • “Ergo-Plex™” – ERGO-Plex is a combination of ERGO plus other functional nutraceutical ingredients directed at Joint Health.
Other products are being evaluated and include a line of skin care products. In addition we will develop other nutraceuticals and functional foods such as nutrition bars, energy beverages and single serve shots that lend themselves to traditional retail distribution

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